Some questions and notes for thought and discussion...
whenever you can, use Scripture to support your answer.
1. What do you think Jesus meant by His answer to the first man? Where did Jesus finally lay His head? John 19:30…
2. Matthew Henry says, "If we mean to follow Christ, we must lay aside the thoughts of great things in the world." How are my thoughts involved?
3. What does it mean if I do have a place to lay my head?
4. How does your perspective change regarding the first "prospect" in light of Mark 4:16-19 and John 6:26-27? Do you think he may have been seeking to follow Jesus for the benefits only and was not aware of the costs?
5. What does, "wherever you go" mean to us? For us? From us?
6. What does it mean to go and bury one's father? Is Jesus anti-funeral?
7. What is Jesus' perspective on family? Mark 3:35; Mathew 19:29; Matthew 10:34-36
8. What are some ways that family can come between a person and following Jesus?
9. Why was it different for Elisha? I Kings 19:19-21
10. What would happen if you started plowing and looked back?
10. How do priorities and procrastination relate to these encounters?
11. Can I be in the kingdom of God and just not be fit for it? What does it mean to be fit for the kingdom? Why is the NIV the only major translation to add the word "service" to this verse? Why do you think they would do that?
12. What other Bible examples can you think of in which a person or people, "looked back" and what was the consequence?
13. What do we see Jesus do in His ministry? Does He set the example and obey His own teaching?
14. What's the least I can do?