Have You Been To a Concert?
A friend of mine recently asked me if I had ever been to a rock n roll concert.
I have.
“Why is it,” he asked, “That if a rock concert goes on for two hours people get upset that it was not long enough, but if a worship service goes for that long people complain about it being too long.”
I suppose there are several possible answers to this question. My friend was thinking along the lines of worship services being boring and that if we the church are making the worship of our God a boring time, well, that is a sin we need to repent of. People who are leading worship should at least consider this.
For everyone else:
The word that came to my mind almost immediately was “INVESTMENT.” A person that goes to a rock concert gets upset with a two hour show because they may have paid $50-$100 to attend. They expect more. They expect to be entertained and to have some kind of experience – otherwise they could just stay home and listen to the CD right?
The person who is bored at a worship service is likely a person who is not invested. They aren’t invested in the church. They aren’t invested in the worship and they aren’t invested in God.
Investment leads to passionate participation.
Try this: sing “Jesus Loves Me” two times. The first time sing with a smile on your face and decide to be excited about it. Take joy in the fact that Jesus Christ really does love you! The second time you sing it, think about something sad. Sit and look straight forward or down toward your lap. Try to be emotionless and perhaps even monotone.
Which version do you prefer?
Which will you choose so sing this Sunday?
Sometimes church is boring because it is disorganized and led poorly.
Sometimes the church is boring because you are making it boring.
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